These very words were spoken by my father, when we were all together for Thanksgiving, in 1990, while looking at pictures and trying to jog my memory. I recount this on page 16, in my book “Forgotten Memories, Frozen In Time”.
It was a long time ago to my father, but for me it was just the beginning. It was the beginning of the forgotten memories that were actually frozen in time and needing to come out to be acknowledged and dealt with.

Those of us who have suffered sexual abuse, physical abuse or mental abuse at the hands of an adult when we had no way to escape, no way out, no one to turn to, has had lasting affects in our minds and soul. It is something that controls us and continues to be a part of every decision we make. It is not something that we can “leave it there.” Trust me if it was that easy I would have “left it there, in the past.” But with me it affected my physical body. I couldn’t breathe. If I raised my arms above my head I would pass out. The trauma, the aftereffects were real and I didn’t know what was causing it.
Once a victim – always a victim is NOT a true statement. It would have been a true statement for me, if I would not have gone through the hard work of therapy and talked out everything that was happening in my mind.
Once a victim...Now a Champion is a true statement. As a little girl, I was not able to choose, I was trapped, I was hunted, I had nowhere and no one to turn to, but now I choose to be a warrior. I choose to help those who are struggling with hidden memories. I choose to help the little ones that have no choices, no options, because they are trapped, as I once was.
With God’s help and guidance and by using His strength, direction and power I will not just overcome the past, I choose to become a warrior to help defend the precious souls that struggle with abuse and/or hidden memories.
May God give me direction and guidance to where I am needed the most.
And may you all have a most wonderful day.
Warm Hugs,